An Intergraph is a universal data structure that represents social (shared) knowledge. This post describes the Intergraph in abstract detail.
Data and Knowledge
Data turns into information, which can be turned into knowledge, into wisdom, and finally into enlightened action. But itโs a process, and an important step along the way is a new data abstraction called The Intergraph.
Not entirely unrelated to the hypergraph or to the DAG, this new distributed fractal considers only that as knowledge that is agreed upon by multiple parties, each an independent agent. Any authorized agent can write or read from the Intergraph fractal as long as they have access to relevant parts of the knowledge graph.
An Intergraph is the correct representation of knowledge because what is conventionally called knowledge is a multi-party agreement between agents who agree on a description of what they perceive and experience. Knowledge is composed of concepts, and such data types or other metadata can be similarly agreed upon by the agents, prior to storing more data. Metadata can be further composed into protocols.
Identity and Process
Users are represented by agents, and a message-passing system directs these agents to take various actions or to interact with each other, which results in reads and writes to the Intergraph (or to relevant intergraphs).
The process of change is captured through an action-reaction loop that processes events generated by various agents taking actions, and also reacting to local or global events.
Applied AI
The Intergraph represents shared knowledge across the population of user agents and can be mined for patterns and predictions, as well as direct lookups of various information, based on available permissions.
Applications that work off the Intergraph are able to coordinate and know things at a collective level, and can ensure users and networks of users are able to capture the value they co-create at the point at which it is created.
While anyone can launch an integraph, Shoptype is an example of a platform that leverages the Intergraph (a global shared Intergraph for the Internet) to deliver a new type of social commerce where creators and communities work together in various win/win business models, and a powerful form of multi-level B2B2C incentive payouts drives virality and hyper-growth.
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