Potion Water and the Book of Knowing
AwakeArticle28 Nov, 2022
Last edited: 01 Dec, 2022, 11:34 PM

Potion Water and the Book of Knowing

What is common to magic and packaged drinking water?

Liquid Death is a cool brand and an incredible success story of a business, but it doesn't resonate with me. I'm a bit more of a nerd, and the “heavy metal beer can” thing is just not me.

But it made me realize that while I do love sparkling and tasty mineral waters, I've never found very many good ones. My favorite is San Pellegrino, established in 1899, meaning it's nearly 125 years old. Wow, talk about a lack of innovation in the industry.

So I reached out to some people I know and discussed launching our own brand of water, something a lot more fun than Fiji water, which, of course, is a lot of fun. Or Evian, which really is amongst the most boring of liquids or Perrier which is a distant second to S Pellegrino.

When the question of our new brand came up, I already knew what the world needed. It's called Potion Water.

Why? As you might recall, the Book of Knowing was lost during the Great Timequake of 1644. Not many people even felt it, but back then, no one was searching for anomalies in the low-frequency time waves that had been the most impacted. It’s a fascinating story more suited to another day, but what’s relevant to our present water situation is that over the pandemic, we had managed to get our hands on the book.

And what has the Book of Knowing got to do with Potion Water?

We’ll have more to say about it all, but suffice for now that the Book is a sort of encyclopedia, and we were able to draw inspiration from the entry named “Common and Uncommon Spells for Better Everyday Living”. It turns out that we had picked quite a comprehensive treatise on the finer points of creating, storing, and using magic spells. The base ingredient in all the spells, of course, is water.

Potion Water was thus inspired by an afternoon’s adventure with the Book of Knowing, and we’re excited to share this new world of water and magic with you. Coming soon.

#gotawake #communitycommerce #creatoreconomy #water #brands #dtc

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